Visa Checkout and Fandango have partnered up to offer you a free movie ticket when you order 2 or more movie tickets on Fandango using your PNC Visa with Visa Checkout. Essentially, this is a buy one, get one free offer if you just purchase two tickets, then checkout. You’ll get the second one for free. Note that you don’t necessarily have to have a PNC Visa card. You can use these first 6 digits for the PNC CARD verification: 443047. Then, enter your email and you will receive the code on screen. Be sure to screenshot or write down the code because you may not get the email. Then, just go to Fandango and use the promo code. Use any card you want. You don’t have to use the PNC Visa card to checkout. This offer is available until July 31, 2017, or while supplies last. What movie will you see until then?
Visa Checkout Fandango PNC Offer:
- Learn More!
- Promotion: Buy 2 or More Fandango Tickets, Get 1 of Them Free
- Expiration: July 31, 2017 or while supplies last
- Requirements: Must use a Visa PNC Card or use digits “443047“.
- Terms: To qualify for this offer, you must (1) be enrolled in Visa Checkout; (2) go to and enter the first six digits of your PNC Visa debit, credit, or SmartAccess card to receive a unique Fandango promo code (the code will appear on screen and will be emailed to you); (3) order two or more movie tickets in a single transaction on or via the Fandango app and enter your unique Fandango promo code at checkout before selecting the Visa Checkout payment option; and (4) complete your purchase with Visa Checkout using your PNC Visa debit, credit or SmartAccess card. The second-highest priced ticket purchased and one convenience fee will be deducted from your order (up to $25 total value). Your unique Fandango promo code EXPIRES 7/31/17.
How to Buy 2 Tickets, Get 1 Free:
- Visit the Visa Checkout promotional page and click the yellow “Get Promo Code” box.
- Enter the first 6 digits of your PNC Visa Card, or if you do not have a card, enter “443047“. Your unique promo code will be delivered via email.
- Go to Fandango and select 2 movie tickets of your choice.
- Enter your unique promo code and choose Visa Checkout. If you don’t have Visa Checkout, you can create an account and add any card to it.
- Select your card as your method of payment, and your second ticket should now be free.
- Enjoy your movie!
Bottom Line
If you’re a movie-goer and you’d like to save some money, this is the promotion for you! Visa Checkout and Fandango are offering you a free movie ticket when you order 2 or more movie tickets on Fandango using your PNC Visa with Visa Checkout. This is also a buy one, get one free offer if you just purchase two tickets and checkout because you’ll get the second one free. Enter your first 6 digits of your PNC Visa Card on the website or use code “443047” if you do not have one. Then, enter your email and you will receive your code. All you have to do is enter the code when you pick your Fandango tickets, checkout with Visa Checkout, and you’ll get one of your tickets free! If you liked this deal, or maybe you’re not much of a movie lover, check out our full listing for more ways to save money!
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