Did you know that its possible for you to earn points, miles or cash back with spending on credit cards that don’t belong to you? This could be useful for when you are making purchases on the company card. Continue reading this post to get into more details about Cash Back Shopping Sites.
Click here for the best cash back shopping sites.
Online Shopping Portals
Online shopping portals are the secret to earning extra points, miles or cash back for online purchases. All you need to do is create an account with the cashback portal, select the merchant that you want, and make the purchase as you normally would. You’re still purchasing the exact same items from the merchant, but by going through the portal, your shopping will be rewarded. It doesn’t matter if you pay with the company credit card.
Through Delta’s shopping portal you could earn:
Marriott | 4x miles |
IHG | 2x miles |
Staples Copy & Print | 4x miles |
123inkjets.com | 5x miles |
ProFlowers | 6x miles |
Walmart | 1x miles |
To automatically go through the portal every time you make a purchase online, you can install an extension to the browser. You will get notified if bonus rewards are available with that merchant.
Bottom Line
If you are an online shopper, and you aren’t using online shopping portals, you are basically missing out on a bunch of cash. Use portals when you do work-related shopping to easily earn points, miles or cash back without having to spend any money of your own.
Check out our complete guide to online shopping portals. See our list of the best credit card bonuses here.