Those already with a Sharebuilder account, you can get 5 free real-time market trades with promotion code promotion HVC09NY. Simply login into your account, then click on the “Accounts” tab, now “Promotions” tab, and enter the promo code. One trade is worth $9.95, hence almost $50 in saving for a minute of your time.
You will see this message:
Thank you your promo code has been accepted. Happy New Year!
An e-mail confirmation will be sent to your inbox. You could also double-check by visiting this page and see the five free trades good until 8/1/10.
Those who never had an account with Sharebuilder, you can now get a free $50 sign-up bonus with code 50WCFA. You can come back with the five free trades promotion afterward.
Follow these steps:
- Sign up to your ShareBuilder account
- Click on the “Get Started” tab.
- Select account type Individual Account and then click “I’m responding to a Promotion”.
- Fill out the rest of the form. Click “Next” to fill out second form. Under Promotion Code, enter promo code E.G.: 50WCFA
- Select “No I don’t have an account” and fill out the owner information and username/password information. Click “Next”.
- Select “Sharebuilder Basic Account” (Don’t select Standard or Advantage as those programs have monthly fees).
- Deposit $50 from your checking account, Fund your account with an Electronic funds deposit from savings or checking account .
- It seems like you don’t even need to make a trade to get the bonus.
- Receive email that you got the promotion.
- Wait 4-6 weeks to get your bonus.