I’ve been watching the Sprint Evo 4G phone like a hawk ever since it was announced last March. Some of the features include 4.3″ screen, 8MP back Camera and 1.3MP front, mobile hotspot 4G, 1GHz snapdragon, etc ..the list goes on and on. Almost to an obsession, I can finally have a phone with better features than those Iphone lovers.
If you have been reading this blog since day 1, you know that I’ve been with Sprint for a long looong time. I’ve made many posts on how to get the best deals on Sprint. Currently, I have 10 lines(big family) with unlimited data and texts to the tune of around $120 a month. Yes, unreal but that is how cheap I was able to get it down to per month. I got more lines than I need since it’s actually cheaper to get more lines if that even make sense at all. But I digress.
Today, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse announced that the EVO will be out on June 4th. However, in order to get this phone, you must pay:
- $199 for the phone, after the usual two-year contract.
- $69.99 a month for the Everything Data plan.
- $10 a month for Premium 4G WiMax service(Mandatory whether 3G or 4G).
- $29 a month if you want the WiFi hotspot service that will serve up to eight devices (optional).
SON OF A BI$!# FU*&^% MOTH#Rf@#!!!!! ARGG?!?!!!!
In order for me to get this 1 phone with all the features, I will need to pay as much as the 10 lines I have right now. Damn damn..Fck it..I’m gonna get this bad boy. I know those of y’all reading been wanting this phone too, so I’m gonna formulate the best plan to get this phone for the cheapest as possible.
Option 1 – Totally Free
Currently, they have a 30-day guarantee for all Sprint plan. This means you can sign up to all the crap you want, best phone, best features, etc, then return it at the 30 day mark and they will refund EVERYTHING including monthly charge, phone, data usage, etc. You won’t have to pay a penny. So wait until June 4th, give this baby a try and see how it is, then return at the 30th day, hence this is a complete free toy for you for 30 days.
Option 2 – Cheapest Deal Possible
Lets say the 3rd week at option 1, you know you want this phone for sure. It’s time to work on the best deal possible. There are a lot of scenarios since family plan is actually cheaper and the details on phone plan are still new.
For Individual:
- Pre-Order the Sprint Evo at RadioShack with free $20 accessory credit
- Sign up for the $69.99 plan, but call CSR Account Services to see if you can get the $20 off-24 month deal. It’s still available if you can talk to the manager. The least they can give you is the $10 off – 24 month. Read more in-depth here.
- You might also get a $25 Goodwill activation credit if you call in and you already have an existing account.
- Check with the company you work for to get up to 27% off your bill(some do it dirty and just give the Corp. ID hierarchy code). You will need to notify Sprint CSR to see how much % off you get for your company. Also, credit union members get another 10% off. https://www.cusaver.com/
- If you willing to wait, I’m sure there are places you can buy the phone for $199 without $100 rebates. But turn it right around and mail in the Rebate anyway, since Sprint is known to send out these rebates whether you get it from them or not.
- I wouldn’t sign up for $30 WiFi hotspot service just yet, since I think there will be a hack out very soon to get this for free. If you want to do it legit, then feel free to get this since you might be able to replaced this for your home internet.
For Family Plan: Sprint SERP Plan
If you are new to Sprint, and looking to add a single or family plan. Check out
Russ.S.McGuire@Sprint.com / 383
- You can go through the above link with the email and CID #, get automatic 15% off all your plan, individual or family plan. However, with SERP plan, it’s very hard, if not impossible, to stack on corporate discounts. If you can get 25% off with corporate discount, then it might be best to keep to the regular Sprint plan.
- The regular $129.99 1500 Minutes Everything Data Plan would work best if you have two or more people who want this phone badly. Again, go through with the above $20 off – 24 month if possible.
- If you are getting a family plan, the add on 3rd to 5th is $20 a month. You can get $3 off per phone credit for 3rd to 5th line. But if you are gonna get 5 lines, make sure everyone will want to use the EVO since the $10 Premium fee is per line on top of the $20.
Okay, that’s all I have for now. I’m sure I will write more as details come in.
$25 Ohio 529 College Advantage Bonus
The $25 referral bonus Ohio 529 College Advantage plan is back. Anyone can join! So sign up today for the $25 bonus. Good until June/30/2010. Sign up now before it’s too late!
Do you have a college savings plan for your kid’s education? Even if you don’t have any kids, you could still open this Ohio CollegeAdvantage plan for $25 using my referral code 2440330
There is no fees and the process takes less than 5 minutes. Anyone can join from any State. I’ve personally refer my friends and family. Highly recommended!
Here’s what to do:
- Sign up online here. No need to mail in anything, just give your information such as Name, Address, DOB, etc.
- Choose a login/password and you will verify your email to continue your application.
- Choose your funding option and along with $25 deposit. Enter your routing and checking account number.
- Now make sure to enter the referral code in order to get your $25 bonus: 2440330
- They will withdraw your initial deposit in less than 3 days, and your referral bonus will come in 7 days.
- After you get your bonus, you can cash out by using this withdrawal form.
To add to my early message ,Greg I was so rudy spoken to, refused to ideftify himself and also denied me his supervisor as i know he isone step above a customer revice reprsesentative, Again I will be checking to make sure that his man has nothing to do with my account. Taking upon himself toplace himdelf in a position of athority over my account with Sprint is very errogant ,and unexceptable. Thank You,
I had tried getting the cusaver.com discount and they said I already have my IBM 25% off work discount, so they denied me and said I cannot stack. I noticed in alot of your posts, you mention discounts as if they can be stacked, can you clarify this for me because I have been trying to upgrade to the everything data family plan in order to get my daughter an android phone but I cannot afford the monthly payment, especially when they charge 19.99/line each month. I am paying $121/mo including taxes for the 1500 anytime minutes messaging family share plan with 4 lines total..They gave us free internet cause on our palm centros, the picture messaging kept charging us data charges which they didnt have. But now, in order to upgrade to any of the new smartphones, they’re forcing us to upgrade to simply everything data plan 1500 mins. I cant afford the regular plan’s extra line’s fees, especially now that they only discount my main line, not the extras. So I’m patiently waiting for a new change or discount that will help lower the costs to be around $10-15 more than what I am paying.
I had tried getting the cusaver.com discount and they said I already have my IBM 25% off work discount, so they denied me and said I cannot stack. I noticed in alot of your posts, you mention discounts as if they can be stacked, can you clarify this for me because I have been trying to upgrade to the everything data family plan in order to get my daughter an android phone but I cannot afford the monthly payment, especially when they charge 19.99/line each month. I am paying $121/mo including taxes for the 1500 anytime minutes,