If you been reading this website, you probably know that Bank of America doesn’t like me very much. Well, then you don’t know what I’ve been doing to Sprint.
Before we go into details, here is my family plan with Sprint PCS (I have a separate SERO plan): about $50 a month with taxes on five lines for 900 minutes with free 7pm and weekends, free text messages, free Vision, and five new phones every 2 years. I got all the freebies because whenever they change something on your plan, you can cancel without paying Early Termination Fees. They didn’t want me to cancel, and offered me all the freebies add-ons.
**mom and sister do not need many minutes, so they only call to other sprint phones (free minutes), after 7pm and on weekends (both free).
The plan is originally for $90 for two lines, but we added three more lines for my two sisters and mom for $10 each. With taxes, probably around $130 each month.
You probably wondering.. WTF? How did you get it down to $50 a month?
Well, my brother got the corporate discount for 25% off. Then I called and bitch to get another 5% off for loyalty discount. All five of us do drop calls every month to get another $50 off each month. The bill is around $50 each month, I kid you not.
Every 18 months, each person on my family plan qualify for $150 credit toward a new phone (of course i know that before I call them). Here how the conversation went about two weeks ago:
Me dialing *2
CSR: Sprint PCS, how can I help you?
Me: I would like to transfer directly to Retention because I want to cancel the phone line.
CSR: Not a problem, one moment.
New CSR: Hello sir, I understand you want to cancel. Is there something we can do for you?
Me: Well, my contract ends in about two months, and T-Mobile is offering me a Brand new Razr phone for free with a 1 year contract. I’ve been a loyal customer for a years now, but unless you can do something, I want to cancel my plan soon.
CSR: Well, actually you have to sign up with T-Mobile for two years..blah blah blah..there service is no good..blah blah…
Me: Well, can I get a free Razr phone if I renew with you guys?
CSR: Let me check, sorry sir, you do qualify for $150 credit if you sign a new 2 year contract..but with the Razr being $280, you would need to pay the extra $130.
Me: What about the Samsung A640?
CSR: yes, that one is free. I will also include free delivery.
Me: And no activation fees?
CSR: Just because you are an excellent customer, I will do that for you too.
Me: I’m not sure…kinda want the Razr..my service is up in two months..I think I’ll just go with…
CSR: How about this, we can give you another $90 discount toward the Razr.
Me: Actually, I don’t mind the Samsung A640. But I would like to get 6pm for free or a $50 credit toward the next bill.
CSR: sorry I can’t do that.
Me: Okay…I guess I will wait another two months to join T-Mobile..good bb……
CSR: (sudden interruption) well sir, tell you what, I give you the $50 credit on the next bill too.
Me: with the free phone, no activation fees, free delivery?
CSR: yes.
Me: Sign me on.
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