Lending Club just made a big announcement whereas you can get $50 bonus + 5% Bonus of the $5K or more. I wrote the full review here.
From the website:
You will qualify for the bonus by lending $5,000 or more to borrowers between December 14th, 2007 and February 3rd, 2008 (at 11:59PM Pacific time). Your bonus will be 5% of the amount you lend.
For example, if you lend $7,500 Lending Club will credit your Lending Club account with $7,500 * 5% or $375. Funds count as lent once a portfolio (or portfolios) is submitted during the aforementioned eligibility period. The loans do not have to be issued by February 3rd to qualify.
We will notify you of the amount of your bonus by the end of day, Friday, February 8th, 2008, and your account will be credited with your lending bonus by Friday, February 15th, 2008. No special sign-up or tracking is required – we will run reports on the system to determine bonuses. Feel free to email us at lender.offer@lendingclub.com to ask about your bonus.
If you just want to try out, then deposit $1K to get your $50 bonus through this Lending Club referral link . You can also deposit just $1 to get $25 bonus if you don’t have $1000. The bonus for me came in a week or so. This is a great deal since there is no hard pull on your credit report. Best part is you can email your friends and family to make more money.
I would contact Lending Club via Email and tell them you only got $25 instead of the $50.
I signed up through your link and even deposited $1000.However, i only received a $25 bonus.Am i missing something?