There is a proposed settlement from Sprint due to the class action lawsuit over the Early Termination Fees(ETF). If you are a former customer and was charged with an ETF fee, you can get $90 back. Even if you are are current customer, you can get $35 back simply due to this class action lawsuit by filing a claim.
From the website:
Sprint Nextel has agreed to pay $14 million into a Common Fund. Sprint Nextel will also provide up to $3.5 million in Non-Cash Benefits. The Common Fund shall be distributed to Claimants after deduction of attorney’s fees, incentive awards, and costs of notice and administration of the settlement. Under the settlement, Settlement Class Members submitting an Approved Claim will receive a choice of benefits, including either a full or pro rata distribution based upon a number of factors that are set forth in four (4) categories. Some of the factors are whether an ETF was paid, only charged and when the service agreement was terminated.
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