I’m on vacation right now, so forgive me for not writing fresh content. However, check out this old post about the best phone plan ever!
Sprint SERO
Man..I wish Sprint would pay my a$$ for this awesome review of their SERO plan and Mogul phone!
For those that are looking for a bad-ass phone with a cheap data plan and a lot of freebies, check out my $30 a month Sprint SERO plan:
- 500 Anytime minutes
- Free 7pm and after + free weekend
- Unlimited text messages
- Unlimited Mobile to Mobile
- Unlimited Power Vision (*data plan)
- Picture Mail
- Caller ID, Call waiting, Three way calling, etc
It’s by far the cheapest unlimited data plan you will find out there. I just signed up about two weeks ago. Here’s a picture of my Sprint Mogul.
I got the Mogul because it’s the best phone out there for Sprint. It has only been out for a couple of months. For a better understanding of this phone, check out Gizmodo Review.
The phone will cost you around $200 online. Here’s hustler trick on getting this phone for $99 or less. When you pick a phone from SERO, pick a free one. After you got your phone, activate it, and then call Retention. Let them know you are not satisfy with your free phone and would only stay with Sprint if you can get the Mogul for free or cheap. You have 30 days to cancel your plan without paying ETF fee. Retention will make deals with you, hence you can get the Mogul for really cheap.
Okay, so you want to sign up? Follow this routine:
- Copy and paste through this link: www.sprint.com/sero
- Use this email savings@sprintemi.com to sign up or google “sprint emails” to find one.
- The best plan is $30 a month for 500 anytime minutes.
- There are many free phones, but if you want the best.. get the Sprint HTC Mogul PPC 6800.
- At the end of your order, use code URANG to get $50 credit.
- SERO comes with unlimited Sprint vision, unlimited Sprint mobile-to-mobile, unlimited Nights&Weekends after 7pm, and many many more features.
- Once you sign on, email them using ecare or call retention to get more perks such as free text messages or 6pm free, etc.
- Call retention to get up to 25% corporate discount, along with 15% loyalty discount on top of that.
- Since it has unlimited data, you can tether your phone to use it as a modem to your laptop, hence free internet everywhere you go.
- Once you get the phone, call #733 to get you and your friend a referral credit.
If you are thinking of signing on, now is a good time because you can get a $50 bonus. I think you might have to call in to sign up now. Once you are a customer, simply log into your account, then on top corner right Contact us –> contact by email. I find that emailing them is the best method for all the extra perks…again be extremely courteous in your email.
The perks can be free 6pm, free 1st incoming minute, free extra 100 minutes, free unlimited text, corporate discount, sprint loyalty discount, etc etc
Also, to get unlimited text for sure, call 1-866-881-9571, hit *1, and tell them the code SERO#serosms to get unlimited text for free.
vaquita says
Hu$tler says
I would call them. Mogul’s new price is $199 online. Ask them to readjust your price.
After that, maybe call them a week later. Bitch about the phone and ask them for $10 credit to your account every month. YMMV
tidiman07 says
yo, Im trying to signup for Sprint Sero and i did everything you said. The final payment was about $250- with mogul ( sweet phone btw). Im wondering was yours about this, or do u know of any promotions or anything. Im trying to get as good a hustle as i can.
Brian says
i was wondering if you knew where i can find what is included in the sprint sero plan from a sprint webpage, ive heard for sero plans you also recieve free roaming, unlimited picture messaging, and voicemail, but i cant find where it says it on a sprint website, and last time i called the person asked me which website did i find this information out of and i couldnt find it on a non sprint website.
angel says
what do i do if i’m already with sprint? is there anyway to get out of the plan?
Tommy says
Hey Hustler,
This deal is awesome. However, I’m wondering kind of what you said to get the extra free perks in your email to them? For instance, do I tell them exactly which perks I want, or should I ask a general question like “what free perks are available to me?” That type of stuff. Thanks again so much,