Unless you really hate Sprint services, I don’t why you wouldn’t want join Sprint SERO plan. You can read through a 200 pages fatwallet thread. Here is the quick summary:
- Use this email savings@sprintemi.com to sign up.
- The best plan is $30 a month for 500 anytime minutes.
- SERO comes with unlimited Sprint vision, unlimited Sprint mobile-to-mobile, unlimited Nights&Weekends after 7pm, and many many more features.
- Once you sign on, email them using ecare or call retention to get more perks such as free text messages or 6pm free, etc.
- Call retention to get up to 25% corporate discount, along with 15% loyalty discount on top of that.
- Do dropped calls to get $10 off each month on your bill, hence making your monthly bill with tax included to be around $20 a month.
- You can use the plan with certain phone to use it as a modem to your laptop, hence free internet everywhere you go.
- Once you get the phone, call #733 to get you and your friend a referral credit.
More info are available at the fatwallet thread to get cheap phone and deep discounts on phone with price match, etc.
True hustla skillz 🙂
I have a friend that pays $100/month for her sprint bill. She prolly can’t switch to this plan since she’s an existing customer huh?
$30/month is a great deal.
Thanks Anthony! Wonderful information as always!
Check your email.
Thanks. I signed up for one.
Who can give me a referral? We can both get $$$. My email is dartshi@gmail.com
“# Do dropped calls to get $10 off each month on your bill, hence making your monthly bill with tax included to be around $20 a month.”
How to # dropped calls to get the offer?
Thank you .
1)Dial *2 on your phone
2)computer CSR will ask “how can I help you?”
3) you say “Drop Call”
4) Do not hang up..simply go “Drop call again” at the next prompt
5) Repeat until max out
6) Do not talk to live person..simply hang up..and repeat again.
7) Do it at least once every week.