For individuals that purchased a Tire Protection Package, Service Central Road Hazard, King Royal Tire Service or other vehicle service from Big O Tires LLC may be eligible for a potential award from the California Bio O Tires Road Hazard Protection Class Action Lawsuit. Bio O Tires allegedly charged consumers for benefits already covered under tire protection package such as free flat repair, lifetime tire rotations, lifetime tire rebalancing and warranty against certain defects. Bio O Tires denies wrong doing and has decided to settle the matter, qualifying class members include those that purchased a tire protection package from Bio O Tires since January 2, 2009. If you are eligible then make sure to file a claim by 7/19/18 to receive your potential award!
California Bio O Tires Road Hazard Protection CAL:
- California Bio O Tires Road Hazard Protection Class Action Lawsuit
- Claim Form Deadline: 7/19/18
- Who’s Eligible:
- Subclass A: Individuals that purchased a tire protection package from Bio O Tires and purchased a tire installation package with lifetime rebalancing during the same transaction.
- Subclass B: Individuals that purchased a tire protection package from Bio O Tires and did not purchased a tire installation package with lifetime rebalancing during the same transaction.
- Estimated Amount:
- Subclass A: $20.54 in cash or $25.51 in coupons
- Subclass B: $12.46 in cash or $15.47 in coupons
- Proof of Purchase: Must provide Claim ID and PIN Code sent out by Big O Tires
- Case Name & Number: Fratilla v. Big O Tires LLC, Case No. 37-2013-00028542-CU-BT-CTL, in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego
How to File a Claim:
- First, head on over to the California Bio O Tires Road Hazard Protection Claim Form.
- Read over the claim form to see if you are eligible.
- Fill out the claim form with your information.
- Submit your claim by 7/19/18 to receive your potential award!
Bottom Line:
Did you purchase a Tire Protection Package, Service Central Road Hazard, King Royal Tire Service or other vehicle service from Big O Tires since January 2, 2009? If you did then you may be eligible for a potential award from the California Bio O Tires Road Hazard Protection Class Action Lawsuit. Big O Tires is accused to charging for services purchased by individuals that is covered under their protection package. Big O Tires is settling the matter to avoid on going litigation expenses. So if you are eligible, file a claim by 7/19/18, to receive your potential award! Don’t forget to take a look at our full list of Class Action Lawsuit Settlements!