If you never open a Sharebuilder account, then these bonuses are pretty easy. Here’s the newest $50 ShareBuilder Code to enter on your ShareBuilder application page.:
Follow these Hustler’s steps:
- Sign up to your ShareBuilder account
- Click on the “Get Started” tab.
- Select account type Individual Account and then click “I’m responding to a Promotion”.
- Fill out the rest of the form. Click “Next” to fill out second form. Under Promotion Code, enter promo code: CASH50
- Select “No I don’t have an account” and fill out the owner information and username/password information. Click “Next”.
- Select “Sharebuilder Basic Account” (Don’t select Standard or Advantage as those programs have monthly fees).
- Deposit $5 from your checking account, Fund your account with an Electronic funds deposit from savings or checking account .
- Make a $5 minimum investment. You must do this on Tuesday since it will only cost you a $4 fee. ($4 is the fee, $1 is the crap stock)
- Receive email that you got the promotion.
- Wait 4-6 weeks to get your bonus.
- Withdraw all your money, and let the $1 stock rot forever.
- Rinse and Repeat with different promo code every 2-3 months. (I don’t think I need to tell you this but, open one for husband/wife, or kid(s), etc. to make more money)
**You want to buy some crap stock and let it rot. Try these pennies stocks: CRNM or AAC
***You might want to wait a couple of months if you just opened a Sharebuilder account. Too many accounts within a short period can get you flagged. However, you can always open one for your wife and kids.