Truebill helps you take control of your finances by cutting out excess spending that you don’t need. With Truebill services you can find and cancel unwanted subscriptions, lower your bills and get you refunds on fees and outages.
In addition to that, the app works as a control center for you finances. This platform allows you to manage all aspects of your financial life, with budgeting tools, automated savings and more. Let’s get a better look at Truebill down below in this review.
Truebill Features
Once you’ve set up a Truebill acount, you’ll need to link your bank accounts and credit cards. Truebill will use this information to find your scheduled, automated bill payments. Once you decide which services you want to let go of, Truebill will contact the bill provider and cancel the subscription for you.
In addition to cutting out unwanted bills, the app also features bill negotiation, savings on electricity and outage monitoring.
If you’ve utilized the “free” Truebill services and want to get some more benefits, Truebill has paid Premium features ($3 to $12/month). These premium features include services like automated cancellations, syncing your balance, custom spending categories, automated savings, and refunds on overdrafts and late fees.
Truebill Pricing
There is a 40% “saving fee” for Truebill’s services. This means that if Truebill ends up saving you $100, you will owe them a $40 cut. In the case that they are not able to negotiate any savings, you pay nothing.
The saving fee is not charged until Truebill has secured your savings, and it applies to one-year’s worth. So if they save you $500 annually, they’ll take $200. As previously mentioned, Truebill’s Premium services cost an additional $3 to $12 per month.
(Click the link to sign up for Truebill)
Bottom Line
If you’re the kind of person that is too busy to monitor things like subscriptions and service outages, Truebill could be very useful. The app makes their services more accessible and helps you optimize savings, as well as review and manage your finances, all with minimal effort on your part.
An alternative to Truebill is Billshark, which charges the same 40% negotiation fee and offers coupon bonuses and a free Amazon gift card drawing every day . For more ways to save more, check out our post on how save money online and bank guides here!