Find the latest HealthyWage discounts coupons, and promotions here!
If you’re looking for some extra motivation and support during your weight loss journey then check out HealthyWage! The company offers you financial incentives and extra support so that you can reach your goals. It’s always easier to stay on track when you have a fitness buddy so consider giving it a try!
We try to keep this page updated with more ways for you to save with Healthywage, so make sure to check back here because these promotions tend to expire and change.
About HealthyWage
Founded in 2009, HealthyWage is a for-profit health and wellness company that provides weight loss and fitness challenges with cash incentives to keep users motivated.
How it works:
HealthyWage offers users extra support, motivation and prizes so that they can reach their fitness goals. To participate, place a bet based on the amount of weight you will lose and how long you’ll need to reach your goal. Then, compete against others, either as an individual or as a team.
The minimum amount of weight you can bet to lose is 10% of your starting weight. For example, if you were to weigh 200 lbs at the beginning of your journey, you would need t bet on losing 20 lbs. The time frame in which you lose weight will range from 6 to 18 months. Bets can range from $5 to $995 per month.
Reach your goal to win the bet. Alternatively, if you don’t hit your target weight then you will lose your bet. HealthWage will either send your payout by check (with a $7 processing fee) or through PayPal.
You can also win money through HealthyWage in the following ways:
- Jackpot Challenge. Win the pot money when you or your team lose a certain percentage of bodyweight.
- Step Challenge. Connect your step-counting device and win the pot when you or your team reach a specific number of steps.
- $10,000 Team Challenge. Win when your team loses the highest percentage of weight.
Current HealthyWage Promotions
$40 Sign-Up Bonus

$40 Sign-Up Bonus when you. use a referral link
HealthyWage is having a welcome promotion where new users can get $40 when using a referral link! So if you’ve been looking for an extra push into a healthier lifestyle check out their platform.
- Offer expiration: Limited time offer
- What you’ll get: $40 Sign-Up Bonus & Give $40
- Availability: New HealthyWage users
- How to earn it:
- Firstly, sign up for a HealthyWage account using a valid referral code
- Then, place your bet and set up your account
- Once you’ve completed your challenge, you will receive your prize and the $40 welcome bonus
(Visit the link above to learn more about this promotion)
Get $40/$100 Referrals

Earn $40-$100 Referrals
If you’re already a HealthyWage user then you have the chance to earn up to $100 per referral when inviting people to join the platform using your unique link. The referral bonus is usually $40, however if your referral signs up during the first 10 days of your challenge, that bonus jumps to $100.
You can earn referral bonuses as long as you win your challenge, even after your challenge has ended. There’s no limit to how much referral prize boosts you can earn.
- Offer expiration: Limited time offer
- What you’ll get: Get $40/$100 Referrals Rewards
- Availability: Existing HealthyWage users
- How to earn it:
- Firstly, sign into your HealthyWage account
- To earn your referral bonus, share your unique invite link with others
(Visit the link above to learn more about this promotion)
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Bottom Line
For those of you who find it hard to stay on track in your fitness and weight loss journey, then try checking HealthyWage for a little extra push. You can earn money and reach your goals through their platform. For similar posts, check out more ways to earn free money and save more money while you’re here on HMB!