Those of you with an Iphone/Android, you can skip this post. I will do another post for those apps next time. Below is the list I find to be some of the best free Apps for Windows mobile phone(not included are those are usually already on your phone such as Facebook, youtube, etc):
- Google Maps – see your location, share your location with friends, buzz for what’s happening nearby, driving directions, street view, and many more.
- Skyfire – another mobile browser with ability to load full images and videos along with good speed. I should also mention Opera Mini browser as my favorite.
- MyPhone – backs up your contacts, calendar items, tasks, text messages, browser Favorites, photos, videos, music file and documents onto a web site. No need for a USB wire. If not, Google Sync ain’t bad either.
- Evernote – great for students since text notes can be created, stored, synchronized and captured with the help of these applications.
- Fring – make free mobile calls, video calls, live chat & more from your mobile phone to people with Skype, MSN Messenger, GoogleTal, AIM, ICQ, Facebook & Twitter, all through one central, integrated phone book.
- Kevtris and Pocket Uno– two very addicting games. You have been warned!
- SmartTouch – access online services—like Facebook, MySpace, Netflix, and others without a data plan. It uses texts to send and receive the data.
- Viigo – more than an RSS reader, you could listen to podcasts, read ebooks, download games, check flight schedule, etc.
- DivX Mobile Player – supports a wide range of formats to play DivX videos. View the videos in full screen, forward or rewind, rotate the video, synchronize, and many more.
- WinWifiRouter – My favorite by far. Let you use your phone as a router so you can use your laptop anywhere. Where to find it? Sorry, this one has to be on the DL since you are not supposed to run this app according to your carrier’s TOS. BTW, Google is your friend 😉