For individuals who have used a personal credit card or debit card for a credit transaction at any Saar’s or Saar’s Super Saver Food Stores within the duration of July 20, 2014 through July 18, 2016, you are eligible for compensation upwards of a $75 gift card with the Saar’s Super Saver Food Receipt Class Action Lawsuit. According to the lawsuit, Saar’s violated a federal law known as the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act when they “unknowingly” printed customer’s credit transaction receipts with the expiration date of their customer’s credit card or debit card attached. Note that you would need proof that you received an electronically printed receipt with a printed expiration date of your credit card or debit card on it. If you are eligible, be sure to file out the claim by May 12, 2018.
Saar’s Super Saver Food Receipt Lawsuit:
- Saar’s Claim Form
- Claim Form Deadline: May 12, 2018
- Who’s Eligible: Customers who have made purchases with a credit or debit card at Saar’s or Saar’s Super Saver Food Stores between July 20, 2014, through July 18, 2016.
- Estimated Amount: $75 Gift Card
- Proof of Purchase: Proof of purchase is required. Either upload a copy of your customer receipt or upload a copy of your credit or debit card statement showing that you made a credit transaction between that set time.
- Case Name & Number: Albert Viesse, et al. v. Saar’s Inc., et al., Case No. 17-2-07783-6 SEA King County Superior Court for the State of Washington
How To File a Claim:
- Head over to the Saar’s Super Saver Food Receipt Settlement Claim Form.
- Review the claim form to see if you are fully eligible.
- Complete the claim form with your information.
- Submit your claim with viable proof of purchase by May 12, 2018, to receive a $75 Gift Card.
Bottom Line:
If you’re a frequent Saar’s or Saar’s Super Saver Foods shopper, then it may be worth dusting off your old receipts to see if you’re eligible for the Saar’s Super Saver Food Receipt Class Action Lawsuit. Essentially, if you’ve made an electronic purchase (credit or debit) at their stores from July 20, 2014, through July 18, 2016, you will be eligible for a $75 gift card awarded to you! Proof of purchase is necessary; Settlement pool is set at $475,000. Don’t forget to take a look at our full list of Class Action Lawsuit Settlements!