For those T-Mobile customers, you could save money with some of the tips below:
1. See if you can get an employer discount with up to 15%
2. See if you can get a student discount with up to 15%
3. Use the Freelancers union (node name: Working Today, Inc.) 10% discount if your school is not a part of the list for discount.
Follow these steps:
Go to
Click on “Discounts”
Go down to “Life” and click on “T-Mobile”
Click on “More information”
Create an account and go from there.
If you want the myFaves feature, just call T-Mobile, and say Cancel. Once you get a CSR, ask if you could have myFaves.
Some manage to get switch to the old grandfather MyFaves with Corporate discount, get “Preferred” Texting at $10 for unlimited, and get “Preferred” internet for basic phones $5.