By using your Discover card, get $20 bonus for every $200 in purchases at participating local mall with Discover Mall Promotion.
Here’s the link to find the participating malls:
This easy hustle has been going on for years. Simply buy something from Sears or RadioShack, etc at a participating mall totaling $1000, then visit their Customer services desk to get the $100 gift card. Some chose to return the items to a non-participating store(Sears or RadioShack at another mall) if you just want the gift cards. Discover lets you have up to 3 cards to do this promo, hence $300 total bonus for those with three Discover cards.
The Discover More card gives you 5% cash back on various categories throughout the year. If you go through this special $50 Discover More Card link, you are qualify to get a $50 bonus after $500 in purchases. This card rarely gives out cash sign up bonus so sign up to day through the special link.
From the website:
Get a $20 Discover® Gift Card when you make $200 in purchases with your Discover Card at a participating mall between 11/01/08–01/04/09, while supplies last. Original receipts and the Discover Card used to make the purchases must be presented to a participating mall’s Customer Service by 01/04/09. Limit 5 Gift Cards per account, while supplies last, during the promotion period. Gift Card is valid through July 31, 2009. See Gift Card terms and conditions for full details.
Already has the Discover More card? If so, get this 12,000 bonus miles Discover Miles Card. There is no annual fee.
Looks like this promo expired a year ago. Can’t find any info on the web that Discover is running it again this year.
This is from last year.
Um… that’s last year’s link. I’m not sure they are doing it this year.
Yo son those dates are from last year. I haven’t seen anything stating Discover is doing this again, and it is now 11-5 which is after the start date from last year.
Says this offer expired 1/4/09. Where does it say it’s available again this holiday season?
So are they renewing this offer or something? I can’t find anywhere where it says it’s good for this year, only for 2008-2009.