Here’s one of the latest emails I got from a regular reader:
hey dude,
I am a regular reader of your blog. Thanks for writing and you are helping a lot of ppl like me. Can you please provide your expert views on the couple of questions I have below?1. I want to jump on the BT game and I am planning to take my car loan off (28K with 5.7% APR) rather than investing the amount in a savings account. Do you think its a good idea.
2. Also can you please suggest me some Credit Cards with 0% APR for 12 or more months? I have a credit score of 700.
Thanks for your time and I really appreciate your help.
Here’s my response:
Hello Sumesh…Thanks for reading my blog.
1) I don’t think that is a good idea. Why? Because things can go wrong and you might need to take that money and pay your credit cards off immediately. Also, at the end of your 1 year BT money, you would have to pay it back. If all your BT money is used to pay for the car, then how would you have money to pay off your credit cards debt. I would rather stick the BT money into a 6% Savings account. That is guarantee money. The money is liquid and you can take the money out whenever you want.
2) I wrote about it here with a list of 0% APR to apply to:
.com/the-definitive-guide-to -hustlermoneyblog-part-3/ Good luck,
Above is just an example of the many emails I get everyday. I have no problem with answering questions and providing you with my help.
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