Check out Sharebuilder $50 Penfed Bonus Code Direct Link.
Use Promotional Code: penfed50
You might want to wait a couple of months if you just opened a Sharebuilder account. Too many accounts within a short period can get you flagged. However, you can always open one for your wife and kids.
You can go through the Direct link above or follow these steps and enter the penfed50 promotion code. Follow these Hustler’s steps:
- Sign up to your new Sharebuilder account.
- Click on the “open an account” tab.
- Select account type Individual Account and then click “Get Started”.
- Select “No I don’t have an account” and fill out the owner information and username/password information. Click “Next”.
- Fill out the rest of the form. Click “Next” to fill out second form. Under Promotion Code, enter: penfed50.
- Select “Sharebuilder Basic Account” (Don’t select Standard or Advantage as those programs have monthly fees).
- Deposit $5 from your checking account, Fund your account with an Electronic funds deposit from savings or checking account .
- Make a $5 minimum investment ($4 is the fee, $1 is the crap stock)
- Receive email that you got the promotion.
- Wait 4-6 weeks to get your bonus.
- Withdraw all your money, and let the $1 stock rot forever.
- Rinse and Repeat with different promo code every 2-3 months. (I don’t think I need to tell you this but, open one for husband/wife, or kid(s), etc. to make more money)
If you have used the above code, try some of these $50 bonuses:
Here are some lesser bonus amount:
i got the same message, and the same email about the $50
The same thing happened to me as the above poster states. However, I received an email telling me I was getting a $50 USD bonus. Quite strange.
Strange, I just signed up with the code “penfed50”, and the final page says “This account has been opened with the penfed50 promotion code. To receive your $25, you will need to set up an Automatic Investment Plan.” So maybe now they’ve lowered the promotion to $25? Bummer…