Let your money work for you by banking with Nationwide Bank! Simply open a new E-Checking account online along with direct deposit of $200 or more to receive a $25 bonus. You must enter bank offer code 0102000 and your account must remain open for 90 days to receive the bonus. There is no monthly service fees or overdraft transfer fees when you have a monthly direct deposit. Then get another $50 bonus for opening a Money Market Savings Account with a $250 deposit and enroll in direct deposit. Must mention bank offer code 01070004 when you open an account online.
I’m not sure why the E-Checking bonus is so low since there is a $200 bonus from Nationwide Bank with offer code 02106460 good until 1/12/2015. To get your $200, open a new E-Checking account with a $50 minimum balance, then set up an automatic monthly direct deposit of at least $200 into your E-Checking account. You can read my full Nationwide Bank $200 Bonus Review. Maybe you can try to open the $200 bonus first, then the Money Market Account for a grand total of $250 bonus!
Nationwide Bank $75 Bonus Information:
- Sign up Offer
- Account Type: E-Checking Account and Money Market Savings
- Availability: Nationwide
- Expiration Date: None
- Hard Inquiry: No, Soft Pull only. Remember, always opt out of Overdraft Protection to get soft pull.
- Opening Deposit Credit Card Funding: Unknown
- Direct Deposit Requirement: Yes, monthly direct deposit of $200 must be received within 60 days of opening the account
- Monthly Fee: To avoid an $8 per month fee, you will need to sign up for at least one direct deposit of $25 per month OR maintain a combined average daily balance among your Nationwide Bank deposit accounts of at least $10,000
- Additional Requirements: Open your account with a $50 minimum balance using offer code 0102000 for checking, then offer code 01070004 for MMS.
- Closing Account Fee: None.
With convenience and flexibility of online banking, sign up to Nationwide Bank E-Checking and Money Market Savings today to earn $75 cash bonus and get easy access to your account 24/7/365, including free online banking, mobile banking and bill pay. This $75 bonus offer is limited to one per household and is not available to existing checking customers. See our full list of Bank Bonuses nationwide!