If you have been paying interest rate and wanting to balance transfer to a 0% credit card, now you can do it with no balance transfer fee with the Discover More Card!
This 0% 12 months no balance fee is a rarity in today’s economic climate that’s good for consumers. You can either get 12 months 0% APR balance transfer and purchases. Normally, the balance transfer fee is 3%, however with this special Discover More link, you won’t be paying squat.
You can see the terms and conditions at the bottom of the application to verify of getting 0% for 12 months and no balance transfer fee. Here’s the following text at the top under “Interest Rates and Interest Charges”:
APR for Balance Transfers: 0.00% introductory APR for 12 months after the first transaction posts to your account under this offer.
Transaction Fees * Balance Transfer – 0% of the amount of each transfer made under this offer and with this application; otherwise, either $10 or 5% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater.
This offer is good until February 28, 2011, however sign up today since you never know when they will pull it down.
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