Here you’ll find the latest discount codes, coupons, savings, & promotions from Iberia Airlines. Planning ahead for vacations can help you save money on flights for this season! Check here for all of the best deals and promotions while you can!
Be sure to use these promotions for any business trips or just to get away. These offers are usually only for a limited time, so make sure you take full advantage of these offers before it’s too late.
It’s perfect timing to plan that next vacation with family and friends, so book your flight with Iberia airlines today!
Iberia 15% Off Gift Card Purchase
- Promotion: Up to 15% Off Gift Card Purchase
- Get a $50 gift card for $45 (10% off)
- Get a $100 gift card for $88 (12% off)
- Get a $300 gift card for $258 (14% off)
- Get a $500 gift card for $425 (15% off)
- Offer expiration: August 21, 2022
- How to earn it:
- Firstly, head to the Iberia Airlines site, See link below.
- Add gift card to cart and checkout.
- Be sure to use a rewards credit card to earn points/cash back on your purchase.
- Terms & Conditions: August 1st only. It can be used whenever you wish for flying any time within the next 12 months. Valid for flights operated by Iberia, Iberia Express or Air Nostrum.
(Click the link to view promotion)
Bottom Line
Iberia Airlines is sure to always have some sort of deal going on, so keep up with this post often to be the first to know about the latest promotions, thus maximizing your savings.
Make sure that you book your flight before seats fill up! Check above for specific flight dates and terms. Go explore what the world has to offer! Also, it’s a great time to use up your points you’ve collected. If you’d like to seek more deals for travel, check out our section on points, miles, and bonuses