Are you familiar with Baxter Credit Union? Consider signing up for the Baxter Credit Union Cash Rewards Visa Card to start gaining cash back for your purchases. It features the opportunity to earn a $100 cash bonus once you spend $1,000 in purchases during the first 90 days. In addition, cardholders can earn unlimited 1.5% cash back for every dollar in purchases. All of these perks and bonuses for no annual fee! Continue reading below if you are interested in this card.
Editor’s Note: This credit card promotion is only available in select states such as AR, CA, FL, IL, IN, KS, MA, MD, MN, MS, NC, OH, TX, UT, WI.
Baxter Credit Union Cash Rewards Card Summary:
- Earn $100 cash bonus once you spend $1,000 in purchases during the first 90 days
- Earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with no rebate tiers or revolving purchase categories.
- Save with 2.9% introductory APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 12 months
- After the introductory period, enjoy ongoing savings with 13.15%-18.00% variable APR
- No Annual Fee
Why You Should Apply for This Card:
If you are a member of Baxter Credit Union and if you would like to earn cash back for your purchases, then boy do we have the card for you. The Baxter Credit Union Cash Rewards Visa Card is a great card to have because you will get a one-time $100 cash bonus once you spend $1,000 in purchases during the first 90 days. You should definitely apply for this card because not only that, but you can also get unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase! You will definitely rack up your cash back in no time.
Bottom Line:
Those of you who are looking to earn cash back, consider signing up for the Baxter Credit Union Cash Rewards Visa Card. You will get a sign up offer of $100 cash bonus once you spend $1,000 in purchases during the first 90 days! To make this promotion even better, you can earn unlimited 1.5% cash back for every dollar in purchases. There is no annual fee for these amazing rewards and bonuses. If this card isn’t for you, feel free to check out our full list of credit card bonus promotions!
The editorial content on this page is not provided by any of the companies mentioned, and has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. Opinions expressed here are author’s alone.