Here you’ll find the latest Target Book discount codes, coupons, savings, and gift card promotions.
Below we’ve listed some of the best and current promotions available right now to make it easier for you to save money. Therefore, make sure you constantly check up on this post to see if there are any new deals listed because Target always has some kind of promotion going on.
Editor’s Note: If you’re an avid Target shopper like myself, be sure to take advantage of 5% cash back on all purchases made with a Target REDcard. If you don’t have one be sure to sign up for one and save even more money when you shop!
Target REDcard
The Target Circle card offers cardholders 5% cash back on ALL purchases made at Target! With this card in your pocket you'll get to enjoy various perks such as free shipping on most items and an extra 30 days for returns! If you're an avid Target shopper make sure you take advantage of your spending to earn you cash back! This card comes with no annual fee. |
Target Books Promotions
Buy 2 Get 1 Free Kids’ Books
Looking to pick up some new forms of entertainment for your kids? Target is currently having a promotion where you can buy 2, get 1 free kids’ books. Browse their large selection of books and save money.
- Promotion: Buy 2 Get 1 Free Kids’ Books
- Expiration: September 5, 2020
- Availability: In-store, Order Pickup, Same Day Delivery, Shipping
- How to get it: Shop from eligible products and the discount will automatically be taken at checkout
(Click here to learn more about this promotion)
Bottom Line
Interested in saving some cash on some bestsellers? Then be sure to check out Target, and these promotions that we’ve found above. Just head to the promotion page and browse through the available titles. To save on shipping, you can always select to pick it up in-store. Check out more ways to Save Money, here on HMB!