If you’re looking for a different approach to investing and you care about where you money goes and what it supports, take a look Swell Investing. Swell Investing is currently offering $50 bonus when you have minimum investment of $50 in your account.
Swell Investing is a robo advisor that creates themed portfolios of individual stocks for its investors. It focuses just on companies that engage in socially responsible industries, such as alternative energy, clean water, and healthy living. They have six positive future investing themes and those themes shape their approach toward creating investment portfolios. If you’re interested, be sure to open an account today and redeem your bonus.
Swell Investing Account Info:
- Swell Investing Referral Link!
- Promotion: $50 Bonus
- Promo Code: 0d5c7a
- Expiration: None
- Availability: Nationwide
- Minimum Investment: $50
- Annual Fee: 0.75% (applied to investments only)
- Trading Fee: $0
Swell Investing Account Features:
- Professionally Managed Portfolios: Swell portfolios are optimized for risk and return. Plus, they’re rebalanced quarterly.
- High Impact: Swell doesn’t just remove the “bad apples” – they focus on the companies having the most measurable impact.
- Impact Insights: Each company has its own information card so you know exactly what you’re investing in, and why.
- Automatic Dividend Re-investment: All dividends over $1 are automatically reinvested, so your investments keep building over time.
Bottom Line:
Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned trader, Swell Investing has the right investment options for you with six themed portfolios of individual stocks filled with positive, future oriented companies. Sign up for a Swell Investing account today with $50 investment to earn $50 bonus. If you’re interested in more opportunities to invest, browse all broker bonuses from our exclusive list to see more!
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