If you are a customer at TD Bank or any bank in general, there might have been times when you’ve had more moeny leaving your checking account than coming in. There are a couple things that could be happening in this situation. Perhaps you mistimed your direct deposit when going to use your debit card. An overdraft fee at TD Bank can set you back $35 or more if certain situations line up. Lucky for you, there are certain ways to avoid TD Bank overdraft fees.
How Much TD Bank Overdraft Fees Cost
Here’s a breakdown of how much you’ll have to pay for various TD Bank overdraft fees:
Account | Fee | Cost | Fee Limits |
All TD Bank Checking | Overdraft | $35 | Up to five per day |
TD Beyond Checking | Overdraft protection transfer | $3 | One charge per day |
TD 60 Plus Checking | Overdraft protection transfer | $3 | One charge per day |
TD Convenience Checking | Overdraft protection transfer | $3, waived for 17- to 23-year-old account holders | One charge per day |
TD Private Tiered Checking | Overdraft protection transfer | Waived | N/A |
TD Bank Overdraft Fee Rules and Limits
As mentioned above, TD Bank limits its overdraft fees to a maximum of fiver per day, with a total charge going as high as $175. If you were to overdraw your balance by less than $5, the amount will be covered by the bank without incurring a $35 overdraft fee. Although this might sound relieving, it is still important to stay on top of your finances and budgeting to avoid getting stuck with a large overdraft charge.
How To Get TD Bank Overdraft Protection
Mistakes happen, and overdraft protection can soften the blow by reducing the amount you have to pay in case you overdraw your account. TD Bank gives you three overdraft protection options:
Standard Overdraft Service
TD Bank’s standard overdraft service comes with all of the bank’s accounts. With this service, TD Bank will decline a debit card purchase and ATM withdrawal that will exceed the amount in our account. It also will make decisions on other transactions to authorize. Checks, bill payments and automatic clearing house transfers will likely be paid, which means you’ll be charged the $35 overdraft fee for these items.
TD Debit Card Advance
If you’d like to ensure that TD Bank pays rather than declines your debit card transactions, you’ll need to enroll in TD Debit Card Advance. TD Bank will pay your debit card purchases but still charge you the $35 overdraft fee if you’re overdrawn more than $5.
Savings Overdraft Protection
Link your TD Bank savings account and enable Savings Overdraft Protection to allow TD Bank to transfer funds from your savings to your checking account to cover any transactions. However, you will be charged $3 per day for this service.
How To Get TD Bank Overdraft Fees Waived
A simple answer to this question is to spend responsibly and monitor your account balances regularly by downloading the TD Bank mobile banking app. However, if you do get an overdraft fee and want to get it waived, you can simply follow these steps:
- Sign up for custom email alerts when your balance goes under an amount you set.
- Open a TD Private Tiered Checking account and link your savings account to have your overdraft transfer fees waived.
- Open a TD Beyond Checking account. This account includes Overdraft Payback, a feature that automatically reimburses you for the first two overdraft fees you incur per calendar year.
Bottom Line
TD Bank is a great bank if you want to start investing with their brokerage accounts because they have a ton of great features. They also offer savings and checking accounts just like a traditional bank would. With their checking accounts, be careful of overdraft fees because if you spend more than you have in your account balance, you may be charged some hefty fees. However, there are ways to waive these fees so that you don’t have to pay them. With that being said, consider what type of spending habits you have before signing up for an account. For more posts like this, check out our list of TD Bank promotions and bank guides!
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