When you make a credit card purchase from Express, whether it be for you or your loved ones, you would need to make a payment when the time comes. Let’s learn how to pay your Express credit card bill together in three different, but easy ways.
Ways Pay Express Credit Card
There are different methods that you can choose from when paying your Express credit card. Here are 4 easy different methods to complete your purchase:
1. Pay Online
Using the mobile device of your choice, use your Express card login to follow these steps:
- Register your account if you haven’t yet. To find your account, you’ll need to provide your credit card account number, your ZIP code and another identifying number, such as your Social Security number.
- Create an account by providing a username, password, email address and mobile phone number. Click the red “Create Account” button to submit your information.
- Choose whether or not you want to enroll in paperless statements or digital card.
- Follow the rest of the online prompts to finish creating your account.
- Log in to your newly created account to make a payment and click the option for making a payment.
- Follow the online prompts to complete your payment. When making a payment by any method, you must pay at least the minimum payment due by the payment due date shown on your statement to avoid penalties. To avoid interest charges, pay the entire balance listed on your last statement.
- Online payments made by 8 p.m. EDT will be credited to your account on the same day, whereas online payments made after 8 p.m. EDT will be credited the next business day or on the date you have scheduled your payment for. It might take up to two business days for the funds to transfer from your bank to your credit card account.
2. Pay by Mail
You can mail in a check to complete your Express credit card payment. Simply follow these steps and send it to the address below:
- Write a check payable to “Express” in the amount you would like to pay. Express also accepts money orders and cashier’s checks.
- Include the payment stub from your account statement, but do not staple your payment stub to your payment.
- Write your Express credit card account number on your check or money order to help ensure your payment will be properly credited to your account.
- Mail your Express payment using the envelope provided in your statement to the following address:
Comenity Bank
P.O. Box 659728
San Antonio, TX 78265-9728
3. Pay by Phone
You can make a Express payment by phone. Simply follow these steps to make your payment:
- Gather your Express credit card account information and your bank account information.
- Contact Express credit card customer service at 800-201-4955.
- When prompted, enter your Express credit card account number or Social Security number to identify your account.
- Follow the automated prompts to complete your payment.
- You might be charged a fee of up to $15 if you want to make an expedited payment by phone, but you’ll be notified in advance.
Late Fees for Express Credit Cards
If you were to pay your balance late or any fees late, you will be charged a fee by Comenity bank. The fees is $27 if your account hasn’t been assessed a late fee during any of the prior six billing periods and $38 if it has.
Bottom Line
These three methods allow you different alternative when deciding how you want to pay your Express credit payment. This will ensure that your account stay in good staying. So, go and pick out something at Express with your Express credit card. Visit our Express promotion site to save money on amazing deals that we find for you!
You can compare the Express credit card to our list of credit card bonuses and promotions.