Find the latest Life Time Fitness coupons, promo codes, and promotions here.
Are you interested in working out at an actual gym? Life Time Fitness is having a great promotion if you’ve never been to the gym before. Even if you’ve been to a gym, still try out different types of fitness clubs and see which you like best.
Note: If you’re looking for a credit card that rewards you on all your purchases at Life Time Fitness, I recommend checking out the Wells Fargo Cash Wise card, the Chase Freedom Unlimited card, or the American Express Cash Magnet card to earn rewards on all of your purchases! See more credit card bonus offers here.
About Life Time Fitness
If you’re interested in getting fit, then be sure to take advantage of these promotions that we may have so that you can reach your goal. Better yet, it’s free! If a luxury gym sounds good to you, then reading and see what deals and promotions you can take advantage of at Life Time.
Current Life Time Fitness Promotions
Free Guest Pass

Free Guest Pass
If you’re having that itch to workout this Summer, then be sure to take advantage of this promotion that Life Time is having! You can get a free guest pass when you sign up and submit your information. Signing up with a gym can be a huge commitment. Therefore, you can test out Life Time first before you you commit to their membership!
(Click above to get your guest pass)
Bottom Line
Get a taste of what working out at a gym is like, and take advantage of the Genesis Health Clubs promotion. Even if you’ve been to a gym, still try out different types of fitness clubs and see which you like best.
Check out more ways to save money. Want more ways to save at the gym? Check out our list of the best free gym passes! If you want to get rewarded or paid for working out, then be sure to check our list of Fitness Apps That Pay/Reward You To Work Out here, at HMB!
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