When you make a credit card purchase from Victoria’s Secret, whether it be for you or your loved ones, you would need to make a payment when the time comes. Let’s learn how to pay your Victoria’s Secret credit card bill together in four different, but easy ways.
Ways Pay Victoria’s Secret Credit Card
There are different methods that you can choose from when paying your Victoria’s Secret credit card. Here are 4 easy different methods to complete your purchase:
1. Pay Online
Using the electronic of your choice, use your Victoria’s Secret card login to follow these steps:
- At the Victoria’s Secret credit card site, log in to your account with the Victoria’s Secret credit card login and password that you have created when setting up your account.
- Click on “Make a Payment”.
- Enter the amount of money that you have to pay.
- Schedule the date that you prefer the payment to be processed. Reminder that it should be scheduled on or before the due date.
- Finally, you will need to enter the routing number and account number of your checking account which can be found at the bottom of your deposit or check slip.
2. Pay by Mail
You can mail in a check to complete your Victoria’s Secret credit card payment. If you have a coupon, you are free to include it with your payment. Make your mail payment out to:
Victoria’s Secret Customer Service
P.O. Box 659728
San Antonio, TX 78265
Remember to write your account number on you check, and allow to up to five to ten days for mailing and processing.
3. Pay by Phone
You can make a Victoria’s Secret payment by phone. Simply call 800-695-9478. Make sure to have your checking account number and routing number to give when needed.
4. Pay at a Store Location
At any Victoria’s Secret store location, you can bring your cash or check bill to make a payment, along with your Victoria’s Secret card.
Victoria’s Secret Payment Due Date & Processing Time
You will need to check your statement to find out your specific due date because your Victoria’s Secret bill payment is due 25 days after the close of the billing cycle. To avoid a late fee, pay at least the minimum amount due by the due date. Pay your entire balance on or before the payment due day to avoid any interest charges.
To ensure that your payment posts on the same day, make your online payment, pay by phone or in store payment by 8 p.m. EDT. This will allow you to get credit on that day and avoid any late fee. The processing time will take a few days for your payment to be withdraw from your bank account.
Bottom Line
These 4 methods allow you different alternative when deciding how you want to pay your Victoria’s Secret credit payment. This will ensure that your account stay in good staying. So, go and pick out something beautiful at Victoria Secret with your Victoria’s Secret credit card. Visit our Victoria’s Secret promotion site to save money on amazing deals that we find for you!
You can compare the Victoria’s Secret credit card to our list of credit card bonuses and promotions.
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