Want to learn all about the best credit card with no annual fees? There are many people who don’t play this points game whereas the best credit cards have high annual fee. They don’t want to deal with annual fee credit cards. There is no point of trying to convince them, but at least tell them the best No Annual Fee credit cards. In this guide, we’ll cover the best credit cards with no annual fees.
Best No Annual Fee Credit Cards for Yearly Freebies
- U.S. Bank Altitude Connect Visa Signature Card 50K sign up bonus with $2,000 spending in 120 days. You get 4 free Priority Pass lounge visits per year, free global entry every 4 years, free $30 streaming credit, cell phone protection, 4X on gas and travel.
- Capital One SavorOne $200 bonus after $500 spending within 3 months of account opening. Free Uber One membership plus 10% cash back on Uber and Uber eats.
- Bilt Credit Card (5X for 5 days targeted) – earn points with rent, HOA, etc. Primary car rental insurance, trip delay insurance(6 hours), cell insurance protection($25 deduction), many transferable partners including Hyatt, Alaska, etc, 3X on restaurants(6x on rent day), and no foreign transaction fee.
- Penfed pathfinder rewards offers 50K bonus points with $3,000 spending in the first 90 days. You get free $100 airline incidentals a year, nice points back on travel purchases, free Tsa precheck(must have PendFed checking account to waive annual fee).
- Chase Ink Cash 75K points after $6K in purchases in 3 months. You earn 5X back at office supply stores up to $25K per cardmember anniversary.
- Amex Blue Cash Everyday – Earn $200 Back after $2K in purchases in the first 6 months. Free $7 back monthly on Disney $9.99 plan(Free $84 a year), 3% cash back on gas, groceries, and online(up to $6K per year).
- Discover It gives $100 bonus after 1st purchase. You get 5% rotational categories such as gas, groceries etc.
- Chase Freedom Flex $200 sign up bonus after $500 in purchaes in 3 months. Plus 5% rotational categories up to $1500 each quarter.
- Citi Custom Cash can be the highest category each month, so usually people choose that as their gas card or grocery only. Earn $200 cash back after you spend $1,500 on purchases in the first 6 months of account opening.
- Chase Amazon card gives 5% back on purchases on Amazon. Don’t forget the $100 sign up bonus.
- US Bank Cash+ $200 bonus after $1K in purchases in 120 days. Pick 2 categories for 5% usually utitlies and restaurants.
If you’re looking for a good middle ground between maximizing rewards and minimizing costs, then consider signing up for a credit card with no annual fee. These cards usually don’t offer that big of a welcome bonus but are generally more lower cost, holding a pretty amount of value.
Bottom Line
Be sure to learn all about the perks and fees when choosing which credit card to open. Making an educated decision could help you maximize your spendings and get great rewards.
We included all of our favorite cards that offer good perks and bonuses, with no annual fee. For more credit cards, see our latest list of the best credit card bonuses!