Find the latest promotions, discount codes, and coupons for Ticketmaster here.
Looking for tickets to an upcoming show? Check out Ticketmaster for easy to access tickets at lower price points. Find details for shows across the world all in one place.
About Ticketmaster
Founded in 1976, Ticketmaster Entertainment, Inc. is an American ticket sales and distribution company based in Beverly Hills, California with operations in many countries around the world. In 2010 it merged with Live Nation under the name Live Nation Entertainment.
Tips on How To Save Money at Ticketmaster
The best way to make sure that your get your tickets for as cheap as possible is to buy them sooner rather than later. Not only will you have access to more options to more tiers and prices but you can avoid getting scammed by scalpers who resell tickets for higher prices.
We recommend loading the ticket page about 10 minutes before they go on sale to get in Queue and avoid tickets selling out.
Take advantage of presale opportunities to get the earliest tickets at the cheapest prices. Usually you’ll need a specific code or link to access these deals and tickets.
If you have a American Express or Citi credit card, you may have access to presales for events and experiences. Artists can also make presale tickets available to members of their fan club.
You can get your tickets at a lower price by a discount code at checkout before paying. Find the codes here or through the Ticket Master website.
With a Ticketmaster account, you can take advantage of their favorites and subscription features. Add all your favorite artists to your list and get notified with new events. These notifications can get you earlier access to ticket sales, allowing you purchase them at a cheaper price point.
Ticketmaster has a Deals Page where they display the top deals at the moment for tickets. There aren’t always offers available for every event you want to go to but this is a great way to discover new events and save money on shows that might’ve not seemed worth their original price.
To find the deals page, click on “Deals” in the top navigation menu on the website. Deals are broken down by 2-for-1 tickets, 4-packs of tickets, more ticket deals where you can save up to 50%, and tickets under $40.
Unfortunately, Ticketmaster doesn’t offer any constant student or military discounts. However, You may be eligible for discounts to shows through membership to different organizations or military service.
Not every show or venue will offer discounts. To see what discounts are available, click on the “Type” menu option when shopping for tickets.
Save money on shipping fees for your tickets by opting for an e-ticket instead. In addition, you can choose to print your tickets at home or simply present them through your phone screen at the venue of the event.
Can’t make it to an event anymore? Ticketmaster has a resale portal that helps you sell tickets to other fans on the hunt for tickets. By reselling on their site your tickets and resale will be verified so that you can avoid scammers and resell legitimately without worries.
Current Ticketmaster Promotions
BOGO Free Ticketmaster Performance Tickets (Expired)
If you’re planning to catch a show with a friend but don’t want to spend a lot of money, this is the perfect promotion for you! Ticket Master is currently having a promotion where you can get buy one, get one tickets when you use the special promo code at check out.
- Promotion: BOGO Free Ticket Master Performance Tickets
- Promo Code: TMN241
- Expiration: Limited Time
- How to get it:
- Navigate to Ticketmaster promotional page.
- Fill in the required information and click on continue
- Use the promo code TMN241
- Terms & Conditions: You may browse the Site without registering for an account. You will be required to register for an account to use certain features of the Site, such as purchasing a ticket
(Visit the link above to learn about this promotion)
Bottom Line
Discover new artists or see your favorite artists without using up all your savings by checking out Ticket Master. We try and keep this page updated with new ways for you to save so make sure to come back here to find the newest promotions.
Don’t let this golden opportunity go to waste and take advantage of these deals before they’re gone. For more promotions like this, check our full list of ways to Save Money using the best Gift Card Deals, here on HMB!